I began music school in school year 2014-2015 in St. Scholastica's College, Manila, taking up Music Education major in Cello. I learned it wasn't at all that easy. I thought music school was all about playing and nothing more. But there was music theory to begin with. And then solfege (sight singing) and dictation (ear training-where you'll have to write the notes played on the piano, melodically and rhythmically). It wasn't easy boggling with the demands of my minor and major subjects as well. To top it all off, I have a practice time to think about because everyday practice with my instrument is important. What a challenge!
I guess I underestimated music school. O.o It wasn't all about jamming... although, that part's a given but music is more than that. I learned the deeper aspects of music: its physical structures, its history, and all others. But praise God, I was able to get by. My grades weren't bad either! I appreciated music and came to see it in another light.
In music school, I was exposed to classical and musical concerts as it was part of the requirements. I learned that time was a very, very important thing. Now, I thank my mom for bombarding me with a lot of activities when I was young because then I learned the basics of time management and was able to apply it in music school. I could say that I myself am a time-conscious person so that's an added bonus. Also, I learned that music school is also expensive. HAHAHAH! Very! From the tuition fees to the instrument maintenance.
I saw how my schoolmates worked hard for sideline jobs to get by and to continue music school. Some of them are not supported by their parents anymore so they try to make a living while meeting the demands of music school. And I see the fruits of their labor at the end of every year... well, at the end of THIS year, at least. Haha! This was just my first year.
I have been through pressure and struggles through the year. And I think it's worth it. My experiences were amazing. Not only did I grow in love with music but also in my sprititual life with the awesome friends I am surrounded with. Praise God!
Finals are over. The school year is over. 10 more semesters to go. Godwilling, I will be able to finish music school. I survived a year and I thought I wouldn't be able to. By the grace of God, I'll make it. ♡
Myles Ago & Myles To Go
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Saturday, February 14, 2015
I can't think of a better post title. 2015 says it all. We say, "New year, new life, new goals." And we look forward to the day that we accomplish our goals.
Three years ago, when I was in my Sophomore year in high school, my History teacher asked the class, "What are your new year's resolutions this year?" A wave of answers like 'better grades', 'no lates', 'going home early', and 'diet!' filled the classroom.
My teacher smiled and said, "I have never really accomplished any new year's resolution that I promised to myself before. Do you know what I would want to do this year?" The class went silent.
"Matthew 22:37 says, 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' What if this year we'll take that to heart?"
The class was silent once more... waiting. She continued on saying, "Wouldn't it be different and refreshing to have that kind of goal this year? It's easier said than done."
I took the guts to ask, "Why, Miss?"
She smiled and said, " I believe loving the Lord with all my heart, soul, and mind this year would be the most fulfilling accomplishment ever. However, it's not only that. When we do so (love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength) I believe, everything [our goals and plans] will follow. Because when we love the Lord, we would want to obey Him, we would want to please Him and trust in His plans for us."
She was the first teacher to ever tell us (the class) something like that. I learned from the things that she said. And it made sense. It made me think about it. It was such an encouragement to me that every year since then, it would be my new year's resolution. I hope one day, I will able to do just that by the grace of God.
Drama time: as I thought about my teacher's words, I looked out at the window. She began discussing the lessons. I can't help contemplate about my new year's resolution idea that I learned from her. I'll do that. And I'll start this year.
The verse echoed in my mind, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind."
How's that for a New Year's Resolution? :)
Three years ago, when I was in my Sophomore year in high school, my History teacher asked the class, "What are your new year's resolutions this year?" A wave of answers like 'better grades', 'no lates', 'going home early', and 'diet!' filled the classroom.
My teacher smiled and said, "I have never really accomplished any new year's resolution that I promised to myself before. Do you know what I would want to do this year?" The class went silent.
"Matthew 22:37 says, 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' What if this year we'll take that to heart?"
The class was silent once more... waiting. She continued on saying, "Wouldn't it be different and refreshing to have that kind of goal this year? It's easier said than done."
I took the guts to ask, "Why, Miss?"
She smiled and said, " I believe loving the Lord with all my heart, soul, and mind this year would be the most fulfilling accomplishment ever. However, it's not only that. When we do so (love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength) I believe, everything [our goals and plans] will follow. Because when we love the Lord, we would want to obey Him, we would want to please Him and trust in His plans for us."
She was the first teacher to ever tell us (the class) something like that. I learned from the things that she said. And it made sense. It made me think about it. It was such an encouragement to me that every year since then, it would be my new year's resolution. I hope one day, I will able to do just that by the grace of God.
Drama time: as I thought about my teacher's words, I looked out at the window. She began discussing the lessons. I can't help contemplate about my new year's resolution idea that I learned from her. I'll do that. And I'll start this year.
The verse echoed in my mind, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind."
How's that for a New Year's Resolution? :)
Friday, November 7, 2014
Looking Back...
A day ago, an old friend of mine decided to share his blog to me (jamesbv34.wordpress.com, if you want to check it out!). When I finished reading it, I was brought back to the time when I had my own blog. The time I wrote posts almost twice a week or twice a day, even!
Looking back and reading my old posts made me laugh at myself. I was just thirteen then and I wrote stuff like that. My choice of words, my titles, the photos I posted... all I could say or do is HAHAHAHAH! I showed the blog to my older sister and made her check it out. She and I laughed at my old posts. I realized I haven't even shared it to her, to my family, and to my friends before. Maybe I just wanted a place where I could vent out my weird ideas and thoughts aside from my personal diary. Such shameless posts. But on the bright side, my mom remarked, "So nice, Myles. I can actually hear you say the written words. It was well written. Keep blogging then."
I never thought she would say that. Well, maybe I'm being too negative about this. But I kind of expected her to laugh like my sister [and I, myself] did. Her comment actually encouraged me. It got me thinking, "Oh yeah. Why don't I write again and bring the blog back to life? I started this already. Why not continue?" Also, I was inspired by this teen blog "TheRebelution.com" (I recommend you to check it out, also) at some point. They have reached to millions of young people around the globe. And I'm hoping I may be able to bless people through my blog as they come upon it. I've learned so much from different people and teens from around the world through that blog. So I may be posting some of my reflections about the things I've read there soon. Godwilling!
It's not such a bad idea, is it?
Don't worry, I'm going to try hard to make sense in my posts this time. [I was thirteen, then! Give me a break.] Now I'm 17. I'm a music major at a very good school. Praise God! I am currently learning (and trying hard to improve on my techniques on) the cello. Why the cello? Maybe I'll write about that soon also. :)
My perspectives have changed over the years. With the new experiences I went through, whose views wouldn't be turned upside down? I'm going to write when I can. And I tell you, it won't be frequent. Maybe squeezing a post here and there wouldn't hurt as I continue to meet deadlines, school requirements, and as I continue to be faithful with my practice time.
So, this is me, writing again. This is me posting once and for all in this old, cobwebbed and abandoned (once-abandoned!) blog. I'm giving it (the blog) and myself a chance. I hope that in my future posts, this blog may impact anyone who stumbles upon it. May God use this blog to encourage you... or to just make you smile, at least.
Til' next post. :)
XOXO, Myles
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
It's once again been so long since I posted an article. My summer has been so packed that's why! But packed summer days means NOT MUCH TV, NOT MUCH SITTING AROUND, NOT MUCH ME-TIME, NOT MUCH BLOGGING TIME, NOT MUCH PROCRASTINATING TIME. I find this awesome. I mean, I don't have to waste my time with TV, SITTING AROUND & ME-TIME... Blogging is not a waste of time though. I actually learn a lot from writing posts. I get more conscious with my grammar. But enough of that!
This is how my summer went...
I teach piano to 6 to 14 year olds. And they made my summer packed! I teach 7 to 8 kids a day. One hour each. And it is exhausting at some point but I actually learned a lot! I learned to be patient and that kids don't get things easily. I learned how to manage my time and learn to talk to parents professionally. XP One parent actually thought I was 21 years old (but I'm only 15, shh!). That was cool though. Hahah!
But my piano teaching wasn't the only thing that completed my summer:
My older sister scraped her cheek because she wasn't able to hold on to anything when the vehicle tumbled. What was really fortunate for all of us was that the vehicle didn't fly through the canyon and past the railing. All of us were survivors and all of us remained calm. I was able to hold on to a post at the side of the vehicle. And when it started to fall, everything went slow motion. I saw my leg slowly slide down the floor. And according to the driver, the car tilted 2 times and in the 3rd time, we fell. God was there with us. Battling the evil schemes of the devil. The devil didn't want a BOOT CAMP to happen at all because he knew God would move in the lives of the young people participating in the camp.
After the wounded and injured were sent to the hospital, the others continued on to Kaamulan with hope and prayers with them. The staff who heard about the accident prayed for all the passengers as well. That was the time of faith and trial. God tested us all. And you know what? That accident made my faith grow stronger. And I learned to love God more and more and more because He let me continue on with the camp. I soon realized as I sat in the ambulance still stunned, that God didn't want me to die yet. He still has a plan for me. I cried and watched everyone in the ambulance. God moves in ways we cannot even see. I praise Him for that.
God was the center or the star of my summer! I actually think my summer was super sulit! I don't even think I needed more vacay days to complete it. :)
School year 2012-2013... HERE I COME!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
________ New Year!
So, it's the first time I spent a New Year on a Sunday. It's awesome-er on a Sunday. ><
January 2012! Isn't this cool. I wonder what God has in store for me this year. I'm excited for that.
Christmas break is almost over. I don't want it to end! But hehehe... I guess it has to. So my New Year was great. We had the BIBA and everyone enjoyed the money and the candies. It was fun. And my New Year became more complete because the pastor in our church declared blessings to all the families bringing them back to God. That was a really good way to start the New Year!
So I'm going to end it like this: Thank God for EVERYTHING. As in, EVERYTHING. His favors, His love, kindness, mercy, blessings and provisions he has given last year or YESTERDAY. ><
My NY Teaser
NY is New Year. >< Not New York.
It's like 30 minutes before January 1, 2012! It's another month but a different year. :)
I have to get used to writing 2012 in my school notes. Just like how I got used to writing 2011 when we got back from Christmas break. And right now, I'm thinking all about ending my year right. >< First, I want to have my hair cut like neck-length. But (hehehe), I'm not confident. And second, I want to smooth out a conflict with a friend but I'm not sure if he is willing. :( So much for ending my year right. I'm going to try though!
Right now, we're "chilling" in the living room waiting for 12 o' clock.
Every year we have this tradition where we toss coins below where people are as well waiting to grab them. :)) Okay, I don't know how to explain it in english. But we call it BIBA here in Bugo or in Cagayan de Oro or in the Philippines. Nyahahaha...
Hoping that this will still be an awesome New Year for the Sendong Victims. It's a week since Sendong hit Cagayan de Oro. And the affected areas are still full of mud. Thick mud. But by the grace of God, they will survive and God will sustain their strengths.
Go, CDeO!
I'm gonna tell you how tell you how my new year'll go later! January 1, 2012, HERE I COME! Yehey!
My mom and my sisters "chilling". Nyahahah ..

I have to get used to writing 2012 in my school notes. Just like how I got used to writing 2011 when we got back from Christmas break. And right now, I'm thinking all about ending my year right. >< First, I want to have my hair cut like neck-length. But (hehehe), I'm not confident. And second, I want to smooth out a conflict with a friend but I'm not sure if he is willing. :( So much for ending my year right. I'm going to try though!
Right now, we're "chilling" in the living room waiting for 12 o' clock.

Hoping that this will still be an awesome New Year for the Sendong Victims. It's a week since Sendong hit Cagayan de Oro. And the affected areas are still full of mud. Thick mud. But by the grace of God, they will survive and God will sustain their strengths.
Go, CDeO!
I'm gonna tell you how tell you how my new year'll go later! January 1, 2012, HERE I COME! Yehey!
My mom and my sisters "chilling". Nyahahah ..
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
In the Eye of the Storm
Yes, it has been years since I've blogged. No, not really... It's actually just months. Life offers a lot of activities to do. In other words, I was kept busy, busy, busy. But it's Christmas Break, so now I'm free, free, free! A lot has been going around lately and I have tons of things to share:
First of all, Bagyong Sendong visited the Philippines 3 days ago. And it was really devastating. So far, the worst storm that hit the Philippines affecting thousands of people. The most affected areas in Cagayan de Oro were Balulang, Macanhan, Kala-Kala, Macasandig, Consolacion and other areas. The flood washed out most of the houses in the affected areas. Hundreds of people were found missing and hundreds of people were found dead as well. The water level reached its highest point: it reached the rooftops of the residences of the affected areas. I saw cars in a pile and in canals in Balulang. Mud was everywhere. Everyone was busy cleaning their houses. And every time they go out of their house, they are covered with mud. What was unfortunate in the affected areas was that they didn't have enough supply of water and food. Other people slept in the streets and others fled to evacuation centers.
Churches, families, organizations and institutions donated what they could donate. The whole Country was in the atmosphere of love helping one another.
Faith was tested during this calamity. And there is no trial that God allows to happen in our lives that we can't handle. This goes to show that there is nothing and I mean nothing greater than our GOD. In our life there are (once again) trials and obstacles we may face. But we should remember that God will never leave us alone nor forsake us. Yes, disappointments in our life is inevitable but discouragement is a choice. If we fall, it is our choice to get up, dust ourselves off and start anew, or stay in the ground and feel discouraged, and trampled all your life. Everyday, we make choices. We make wise ones and foolish ones. And right ones come from God, to lead us to the right path where we are kept safe in his arms.
Despite all these trials we face, let us thank God for Everything he has done in our lives. EVERYTHING means no exception. Yes, even the calamities, we have to thank HIM. Because this is a leap of faith. And through this, we will stay strong in Him.
First of all, Bagyong Sendong visited the Philippines 3 days ago. And it was really devastating. So far, the worst storm that hit the Philippines affecting thousands of people. The most affected areas in Cagayan de Oro were Balulang, Macanhan, Kala-Kala, Macasandig, Consolacion and other areas. The flood washed out most of the houses in the affected areas. Hundreds of people were found missing and hundreds of people were found dead as well. The water level reached its highest point: it reached the rooftops of the residences of the affected areas. I saw cars in a pile and in canals in Balulang. Mud was everywhere. Everyone was busy cleaning their houses. And every time they go out of their house, they are covered with mud. What was unfortunate in the affected areas was that they didn't have enough supply of water and food. Other people slept in the streets and others fled to evacuation centers.
Churches, families, organizations and institutions donated what they could donate. The whole Country was in the atmosphere of love helping one another.
Faith was tested during this calamity. And there is no trial that God allows to happen in our lives that we can't handle. This goes to show that there is nothing and I mean nothing greater than our GOD. In our life there are (once again) trials and obstacles we may face. But we should remember that God will never leave us alone nor forsake us. Yes, disappointments in our life is inevitable but discouragement is a choice. If we fall, it is our choice to get up, dust ourselves off and start anew, or stay in the ground and feel discouraged, and trampled all your life. Everyday, we make choices. We make wise ones and foolish ones. And right ones come from God, to lead us to the right path where we are kept safe in his arms.
Despite all these trials we face, let us thank God for Everything he has done in our lives. EVERYTHING means no exception. Yes, even the calamities, we have to thank HIM. Because this is a leap of faith. And through this, we will stay strong in Him.
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