Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I Survived a Year!

I began music school in school year 2014-2015 in St. Scholastica's College, Manila, taking up Music Education major in Cello. I learned it wasn't at all that easy. I thought music school was all about playing and nothing more. But there was music theory to begin with. And then solfege (sight singing) and dictation (ear training-where you'll have to write the notes played on the piano, melodically and rhythmically). It wasn't easy boggling with the demands of my minor and major subjects as well. To top it all off, I have a practice time to think about because everyday practice with my instrument is important. What a challenge!

I guess I underestimated music school. O.o It wasn't all about jamming... although, that part's a given but music is more than that. I learned the deeper aspects of music: its physical structures, its history, and all others. But praise God, I was able to get by. My grades weren't bad either! I appreciated music and came to see it in another light.

In music school, I was exposed to classical and musical concerts as it was part of the requirements. I learned that time was a very, very important thing. Now, I thank my mom for bombarding me with a lot of activities when I was young because then I learned the basics of time management and was able to apply it in music school. I could say that I myself am a time-conscious person so that's an added bonus. Also, I learned that music school is also expensive. HAHAHAH! Very! From the tuition fees to the instrument maintenance.

I saw how my schoolmates worked hard for sideline jobs to get by and to continue music school. Some of them are not supported by their parents anymore so they try to make a living while meeting the demands of music school. And I see the fruits of their labor at the end of every year... well, at the end of THIS year, at least. Haha! This was just my first year.

I have been through pressure and struggles through the year. And I think it's worth it. My experiences were amazing. Not only did I grow in love with music but also in my sprititual life with the awesome friends I am surrounded with. Praise God!

Finals are over. The school year is over. 10 more semesters to go. Godwilling, I will be able to finish music school. I survived a year and I thought I wouldn't be able to. By the grace of God, I'll make it. ♡


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