Saturday, December 31, 2011

My NY Teaser

         NY is New Year. >< Not New York.
          It's like 30 minutes before January 1, 2012! It's another month but a different year. :)
          I have to get used to writing 2012 in my school notes. Just like how I got used to writing 2011 when we got back from Christmas break. And right now, I'm thinking all about ending my year right. >< First, I want to have my hair cut like neck-length. But (hehehe), I'm not confident. And second, I want to smooth out a conflict with a friend but I'm not sure if he is willing. :( So much for ending my year right. I'm going to try though!
          Right now, we're "chilling" in the living room waiting for 12 o' clock.
          Every year we have this tradition where we toss coins below where people are as well waiting to grab them. :)) Okay, I don't know how to explain it in english. But we call it BIBA here in Bugo or in Cagayan de Oro or in the Philippines. Nyahahaha...
           Hoping that this will still be an awesome New Year for the Sendong Victims. It's a week since Sendong hit Cagayan de Oro. And the affected areas are still full of mud. Thick mud. But by the grace of God, they will survive and God will sustain their strengths.

   Go, CDeO!

I'm gonna tell you how tell you how my new year'll go later! January 1, 2012, HERE I COME! Yehey!

My mom and my sisters "chilling".  Nyahahah ..

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