Saturday, February 14, 2015


          I can't think of a better post title. 2015 says it all. We say, "New year, new life, new goals." And we look forward to the day that we accomplish our goals.
         Three years ago, when I was in my Sophomore year in high school, my History teacher asked the class, "What are your new year's resolutions this year?" A wave of answers like 'better grades', 'no lates', 'going home early', and 'diet!' filled the classroom.
          My teacher smiled and said, "I have never really accomplished any new year's resolution that I promised to myself before. Do you know what I would want to do this year?" The class went silent.
         "Matthew 22:37 says, 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' What if this year we'll take that to heart?"
         The class was silent once more... waiting. She continued on saying, "Wouldn't it be different and refreshing to have that kind of goal this year? It's easier said than done."
         I took the guts to ask, "Why, Miss?"
         She smiled and said, " I believe loving the Lord with all my heart, soul, and mind this year would be the most fulfilling accomplishment ever. However, it's not only that. When we do so (love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength) I believe, everything [our goals and plans] will follow. Because when we love the Lord, we would want to obey Him, we would want to please Him and trust in His plans for us."
          She was the first teacher to ever tell us (the class) something like that. I learned from the things that she said. And it made sense. It made me think about it. It was such an encouragement to me that every year since then, it would be my new year's resolution. I hope one day, I will able to do just that by the grace of God.
          Drama time: as I thought about my teacher's words, I looked out at the window. She began discussing the lessons. I can't help contemplate about my new year's resolution idea that I learned from her. I'll do that. And I'll start this year.
          The verse echoed in my mind, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind."

How's that for a New Year's Resolution? :)